مصر الكبرى

12:32 مساءً EET

أخيرا توصل المصريون الي حل في معايير اختيار لجنة كتابة الدستور بما يمثل انتصارا نسبيا لقوى الليبرالية في مصر

Egyptians End Impasse on Who Will Draft Charter
CAIRO—Egypt’s military rulers ended a monthslong power struggle over the assembly charged with drafting the country’s new constitution, approving a power-sharing deal Thursday evening that will give Islamists and secular-minded politicians even representation.

The final decision barely met a 48-hour ultimatum that Egypt’s interim ruling military leadership had set Tuesday.
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces had said that if political parties couldn’t agree on the membership criteria for the 100-person constitutional assembly, the military would issue its own constitutional declaration or revive a 1971 constitution that was suspended when the military assumed power upon President Hosni Mubarak’s ouster …
